10 frequently asked
questions about pax

  • 1. Are you a travel insurance?

  • 2. Why choose PAX Assistance over other travel assistance services?

  • 3. How do I contact Pax if I need assistance?

  • 4. What is PAX CASH?

  • 5. What should I do if I have a problem or inconvenience during my trip?

  • 6. Do you offer emotional health support?

  • 7. What happens if I exceed my coverage limit?

  • 8. How do I get travel assistance with Visa?

  • 9. How does PAX Assistance travel assistance work?

  • 10. I have my Pax coverage, but I no longer want it. What should I do?

Pax Assistance

10 frequently asked
questions about pax

  • 1. Are you a travel insurance?

  • 2. Why choose PAX Assistance over other travel assistance services?

  • 3. How do I contact Pax if I need assistance?

  • 4. What is PAX CASH?

  • 5. What should I do if I have a problem or inconvenience during my trip?

  • 6. Do you offer emotional health support?

  • 7. What happens if I exceed my coverage limit?

  • 8. How do I get travel assistance with Visa?

  • 9. How does PAX Assistance travel assistance work?

  • 10. I have my Pax coverage, but I no longer want it. What should I do?

Pax Assistance